David Brainy's How To Get There
David Brainy's How To Get There

How To Get To There
How To Get To There

As The Crow Flies
As The Crow Flies

Taking The Long Way
Taking The Long Way

Always begin by brushing your teeth. Collect your hat and a clean handkerchief and set out.
Off you go!
First, find out where you are exactly. Latitudinally and longitudinally.
Next, using your compass, head north. Directly north for 450 meters.
There will be a river. Follow the river in a westerly direction for four or five kilometers. It winds around and looks beautiful.
Notice how the water runs faster the narrower the river becomes.
Notice the trees along the riverbank.
When you get to the place where the river joins another river, head in a southerly direction.
Soon you will be here.
Turn left after three blocks.
Then take the second street on the right.
Take out your handkerchief and wipe your brow. Nearly there!
The fifth house from the corner has a bright green gate. Enter it, open the front door and I will say "hello".
